A friend of mine, Joanna Robinson, just informed me that tomorrow (9 March) is Neal's 8th birthday. The other ring-tailed lemurs at Zoo Atlanta, are also celebrating birthdays this month:
Julius turned 9 on the 6th, while Jason and Ringo will turn 10 on the 15th.
Like most other lemurs, ring-tailed lemurs are seasonal breeders, so all the babies are born around the same time every year. Here in the northern hemisphere, it's in March and April. In Madagascar, they are typically born in September or October.
Even Obi and Janga at Moorpark College are celebrating birthdays soon. Obi will be 20 on 11 April, and Janga will be 16 on 20 March. They're getting old too fast!
Coincidence or not, I also have a birthday coming up this month. (I'm not sharing the date. I don't celebrate.) Very appropriate for someone who has been adopted into a lemur troop...
: )